Annual Report

Schmidt, T. J., Niesen, B., Whyte, C., Thürig, E., Malfait, W., Steiger, R., Panos, E., Hofer, M., Zurbrügg, C., McKenna, R. and Noukakis D. (2024)., Swiss Center of Excellence on Net-Zero Emissions (SCENE): Annual report 2023. Swiss Center of Excellence on Net-Zero Emissions: Villigen.

Action Area 1

Journal Publications


Flury, R., Portier, J., Rohner, B., Baltensweiler, A., Di Bella Meusburger, K., Scherrer, D., Thürig, E. and Stadelmann, G. (2024), Soil and climate-dependent ingrowth inference: broadleaves on their slow way to conquer Swiss forests. Ecography, Issue 7.

Malinverno, N., Buschor, S., Vogel, K., Schwarze, F., Stadelmann, G., Thürig, E., Nowack, B., Nyström, G., and Som, C. (2024), Resolving complexity: Material flow analysis of a national wood flow system integrating the versatility of wood. Journal of Industrial Ecology.

Conference Presentations


Malinverno, N. Towards cascading use of wood in Switzerland: Material flow analysis as the basis for circular economy, SETAC Sevilla Europe 34th Annual Meeting, Sevilla, Spain. 05.05.2024 – 09.05.2024



Ettlin, A. (2024), Umfassende Materialflussanalyse: Was die Schweiz aus ihrem Holz macht. Bitte nicht gleich verheizen! Interview with Nadia Malinverno and Claudia Som. Empa Quarterly No. 86.

Action Area 2

Journal Publications


Grossegger, D., Wyrzykowski, M., Toropovos, N., Lura, P. (2024), Exploring the carbon sequestration of an asphalt base course mixture containing novel cold-bonded biochar-rich lightweight aggregates. Preprint available at Research Square. [Action Areas 2&3]

Grossegger, D., Hugener, M., Lura, P. (2024), Feasibility study of biochar as filler alternative to limestone filler investigated at the asphalt mastic level. Preprint available at SSRN.

Conference Presentations


Grossegger, D., Wyrzykowski, M., Lura, P., Achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions in road constructions and its impact on material flow and stocks, ISIE Socio-Economic-Metabolism conference, Beijing, China, 24.08.2024-27.08.2024) [Action Areas 2&3]

Quílez-Bermejo, J., Fischer, R., Herranz, J. Cu-containing Carbon Materials as Catalysts for Electrochemical CO2 reduction, The world conference of carbon 2024, Shenzhen, China, 14.07.2024-19.07.2024

Wyrzykowski, M., Netto-Null Beton mit Kohlenstoffpellets, SIA und Betonsuisse Seminar Nachhaltigeres Bauen mit Beton, 15.05.2024 [Action Areas 2&3]

Wyrzykowski, M., Carbon Sequestration in Concrete – Potential and Challenges, Keynote Lecture, 78th Annual RILEM Week and Conference on Sustainable Materials and Structures SMS2024, Toulouse, France, 28.08.2024 [Action Areas 2&3]

Wyrzykowski, M., Concrete as a carbon sink Integration of solid carbon in concrete, Verein zur Dekarbonisierung der Industrie (VzDI), 17.09.2024 [Action Areas 2&3]

Action Area 3

Journal Publications


Hassan, Z., Raza, S., Shafei, B., Mahoutian, M., Shahverdi, M. (2024), Innovations to improve 3D concrete printing of Portland Cement-steel slag blended mortars. Procedia Structural Integrity. DOI:

Conference Presentations


Hassan Z., Bernal S.A., Raza S., Kammer D., Shafei B., Mahoutian M., Shaverdi M., Feasibility Assessment of 3D Printability of Portland Cement-Steel Slag Blended Mortar, Fourth RILEM International Conference on Concrete and Digital Fabrication, Munich, Germany, 04.09.2024-06.09.2024

Action Area 4

Journal Publications


Domenig, C., Scheller, F., Gunkel, P.A., Hermann, J., Bergaentzlé, C.M., Lopes, M.A.R., Barnes, J., McKenna, R. (2024). Overcoming the landlord–tenant dilemma: A techno-economic assessment of collective self-consumption for European multi-family buildings, Energy Policy, Volume 189, 114120, ISSN 0301-4215,

Finke, J., Kachirayil, F., McKenna, R., Bertsch, V. (2024). Modelling to generate near-Pareto-optimal alternatives (MGPA) for the municipal energy transition, Applied Energy, Volume 376, Part A, 124126, ISSN 0306-2619,

Conference Presentations


Biéron, M., Vulic, N., Nappi, G. and Mavromatidis, G. Assessing Heating Demand Flexibility in the Swiss Building Stock, BauSIM 2024, 10th Conference, IBPSA-DACH, TU Wien, Austria. 09.2024

Kachirayil, F., Yamaguchi, Y., Chen, C.F., and McKenna, R. Estimating demand response potentials of domestic appliances, International Association of Energy Economics 45th International Conference, Istanbul, Turkey. 27.06.2024

Lohrmann, A., Farfan, J. and McKenna, R. Go with the flow: a new approach to LCOE estimation to account for water use in power generation, 10th International Conference on Smart Energy Systems, Aalborg, Denmark. 11.09.2024

Vartak, S. and McKenna, R. A reproducible method to determine network integration costs of decentralised energy technologies in Switzerland, 34th Young Energy Economists and Engineers Seminar (YEEES), Durham University Business School, Durham, United Kingdom. 12.09.2024


Biéron, M., Vulic, N. Wie können Gebäudesimulationen die Sanierungsstrategie unterstützen?, 5th MUNICIPAL Netzwerktreffen, Dübendorf, Switzerland, 11.2023

Other Publications


Densing, M., Kober, T., Panos, E., & McKenna, R. (2024). Zukünftiger Flexibilitätsbedarf und Bedeutung von Bandstrom in der Schweiz. (PSI Bericht, Report No.: 24-01). Paul Scherrer Institute.

Student Projects


Chang, F.U. (2024). Master semester project: Analyzing and visualizing energy model outputs, ETHZ, Prof. Dr. Russell McKenna

Hormatallah, A. (2024). Master thesis: Estimating the space heating demand flexibility through active thermal energy storage, ENSAM Rabat, Prof. Dr. Mohamed Asbik

Nappi, G. (2024). Master semester project: Estimating heating demand flexibility of national building stocks based on archetypes, ETHZ, Prof. Dr. Guillaume Habert


Eberhard, R., (2023). Master semester project Characterizing Swiss municipal energy systems using cluster analysis, ETHZ, Professor: Pr. Russell McKenna

Action Area 5

Conference Presentations


Bellandi G., Froemelt A., Carreño N.U., Organisation of N2O modelling workshop, (N(2)O Panic), 9th Water Resource Recovery Modelling Seminar, Notre Dame, Indiana, USA, 04.2024

Hao, Z., Bretscher, D., Keel, S.G. Costs and potentials of GHG mitigation and C-sequestration measures in Swiss agriculture, International Research Symposium on Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Mitigation from Research to Implementation, Berlin, 21.10.2024-25.10.2024.

Keck, H., Strubbe, L., Magyar, P., Joss, A., Frömelt, A., Chénier, N., Mohn, J. On-line analysis of isotopic composition in N2O emitted during biological nitrogen removal in wastewater treatment, Annual Meeting of the German Association for Stable Isotope Research, TU Darmstadt, 3009.2024-02.10.2024

Keller, C., Vogel, H., van der Gon, H.D., Constantin, L. and Brunner, D. Future air quality simulations with ICON-ART”, ITM (International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution Modeling and its Application), 14.10.2024-18.10.2024

Strubbe, L., Domingo-Felez C., N2O production pathways: from complex metabolism to simple models, N2O modelling workshop, (N(2)O Panic), 9th Water Resource Recovery Modelling Seminar, Notre Dame, Indiana, USA, 04.2024

Strubbe, L., Freyschmidt A.H., Froemelt A., Overview on mechanistic N2O modelling frameworks, N2O modelling workshop, (N(2)O Panic), 9th Water Resource Recovery Modelling Seminar, Notre Dame, Indiana, USA, 04.2024

Uribe, A. and Heck, T. (2024), Externality Assessment of Swiss Long-Term Net-Zero Energy Pathways Including Life Cycle Contribution, Poster at 4TH Swiss Social Sciences and Humanities Energy Research Workshop (SSH Energy), ETH Zürich, 17.06.2024-18.06.2024

Uribe, A. and Heck, T. (2024), Externality Assessment of Swiss Long-Term Net-Zero Energy Pathways Including Life Cycle Contribution, Poster at ENRICH Health Conference on Aerosols, Empa Academy, 21.10.2024

Vasilakos, P.N., Upadhyay, A., El-Haddad, I., Daellenbach, K. & AURORA team members, An integrated machine learning model to predict fine scale dust concentrations over Europe, EAC2024, Tampere, Finland, 26.08.2024

Vasilakos, P.N., Upadhyay, A., El-Haddad, I., Daellenbach, K. & AURORA team members, Less carbon, more dust; human health in an unsettled atmosphere, ENRICH Health Conference, Empa Academy, Dübendorf, 21.10.2024

Student Projects


Funke, C., (2024). Master thesis: Meta analysis of Swiss Electricity net-zero scenarios for 2050, PSI, Prof. Dr. Russell McKenna and Dr. Martin Densing

Wigger, S. (2024). Master semester project: Developing an interactive dashboard for the existing energy system transition scenarios and other decarbonization strategies in Switzerland, ETHZ, Prof. Dr. Russell McKenna and Prof. Dr. Christofer Hierold