The SCENE Expert Hub functions as a service provider to the Swiss Stakeholders and delivers fast and powerful expertise and experience in all net-zero relevant topics. The core group is small in order to react quickly to incoming questions and requests, and it calls upon the expertise of members of the extended group as needed.

Core Group

Thomas Schmidt

Prof. Dr. Thomas J. Schmidt

  • Project Co-Director
  • PI PSI (Leading House)

PSI Paul Scherrer Institut
Björn Niesen

Dr. Björn Niesen

  • Project Co-Director
  • PI Empa

Peter Richner

Dr. Peter Richner

  • Deputy Director Empa
  • Head of Department Engineering Sciences

Tom Kober

Prof. Dr. Tom Kober

  • Lecturer for Renewable Energy and Energy Systems

PSI Paul Scherrer Institut

Extended Group

Dr. Esther Thürig: WP Leader, PSI WSL

Dr. Wim Malfait: WP Leader

Dr. René Steiger: WP Leader

Dr. Evangelos Panos: WP Leader

Mr. Marcel Hofer: WP Leader

Dr. Christian Zurbrügg: PI Eawag

Dr. Dimitrios Noukakis: PI EPFL

Prof. Dr. Russell McKenna: PI ETH Zürich

Prof. Dr. Andrea Frangi: Professor for Timber Structures, ETH Zürich; Joint Initiative MainWood

Dr. Sonja Keel: Climate and Agriculture Group, Agroscope; SCENE WP Greenhouse Gases and Climate

Prof. Dr. Reto Knutti: Professor for Climate Physics, ETH Zürich; Joint Initiative SPEED2ZERO

Prof. Dr. Claudia Mohr: Professor for Environmental Systems Science, ETH Zürich; Head of Laboratory of Atmospheric Chemistry, PSI

Prof. Dr. Philippe Thalmann: Head of Laboratory of Environmental and Urban Economics, EPFL; Joint Initiative SPEED2ZERO

Prof. Dr. Jeroen van Bokhoven: Professor for Heterogeneous Catalysis, ETH Zürich; Head of Laboratory for Catalysis and Sustainable Chemistry, PSI