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Paul Scherrer Institute
Forschungsstrasse 111
5232 Villigen PSI
Main telephone number: +41 56 310 21 11
PSI Web content is subject to change without warning.
Image origin
- Main picture Homepage: Photo from Joell Vodell on Unsplash
- Flexible low-carbon energy systems page – clipart sources (royalty free as long as sources are identified). For each icon in the figure:
- Hydorgen storage tank: <a href=”” title=”hydrogen icons”>Hydrogen icons created by Smashicons – Flaticon</a>
- Buildings: <a href=”” title=”condominium icons”>Condominium icons created by Vectorslab – Flaticon</a>
- Municipalities: <a href=”” title=”village icons”>Village icons created by Witdhawaty – Flaticon</a>
- Integrated energy systems analysis: (Remme et al., 2001)
- Renewable energy : <a href=”” title=”renewable energy icons”>Renewable energy icons created by Flat Icons – Flaticon</a>
- Consumer preferences: <a href=”” title=”yes or no icons”>Yes or no icons created by IYAHICON – Flaticon</a>
- Switzerland map:–862720872370894342/